Aamir Khan & James Cameron In the same Platform

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This would be director James Cameron’s first visit to India and guess what he is going to do here? He reportedly will come and talk movies and that too with Bollywood’s talented actor-director Aamir Khan.

In New Delhi on March 13 there is going to be a conclave for which Avatar’s director James Cameron is invited to speak on the future of cinema. Yes, the cinema that uses state-of-the-art technology. And, giving him company would be Taare Zameen Par director Aamir Khan. The two speakers will not only discuss their films but will also address the topic of “changing environment in filmmaking”.

And as a source tells a tabloid, Aamir is excited about this opportunity and “Like everyone else, he too is dazzled by the special effects and 3D technology of ‘Avatar’. He plans to sit with Cameron and talk to him about his views...”

He also has plans to discuss with him how to market Indian films in the west.

Now that’s business, Aamir!